European Commission

Take biometric security systems to the next level

In recent years we’ve seen face, voice and fingerprint identification software move from Sci-Fi films into real life affordable devices, such as smartphones and tablets. The TABULA RASA consortium, which is supported by EU research and innovation investment, has set out to identify just how well this new software works, in particular against the growing […]

European Patent Office

Promoting an unified market for innovation and technology in Europe: European Patent Convention celebrates 40th anniversary

At a celebration attended by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, the European Patent Office today marked the 40th anniversary of the European Patent Convention (EPC). On 5 October 1973, the EPC was signed in Munich, establishing a legal framework for the transnational grant of patents in Europe. The Convention was inspired by the […]

European Commission

Chill a drink in 45 seconds

Over the long hot summer many of us reached for a cold drink. But what is the financial and environmental cost of our demand for cool drinks? Rapidcool, an innovative project supported by European Union research funding, aims at reducing the energy requirements for cooling drinks at the point of sale, saving retailers’ money and ultimately […]